About OnScreen Menu

2020. It sure has brought some changes to what "business as normal" represents. What started as a simple venture to help some friends get their menus online so that customers could view them contact free (and not having to rely on a bunch of black and white copies of their menu), has been evolving into a service to make it both easy for your customers to get to your menu, as well as easy for you to maintain.

It started as simple menus online that customers could easily access by scanning a QR code you post at your tables. As ideas come up and suggestions from users get sent in, new features are added to improve things, such as:

  • Create the menus from building blocks, no need to know how to code. If you prefer, for a fee we can do the initial setup for you.
  • Being able to temporarily mark items as unavailable. Either for the rest of the day, or until you set them available again.
  • Instead of filling up a menu with a complete list of all your daily specials, just have it display the current day's special and take up less room.
  • Plan upcoming events/specials. Get it all set up today and set a date range to display them.
  • Multiple menus and sign codes. Generate different QR codes for a custom menu, or for display areas, and view stats for their use.
  • Statistics for use. Track time of day / day of week when people are loading your menus. Also for admins, disable tracking on your views.
  • More as the ideas come in and get implemented.

As we continue to build the features, we welcome people to use our service and be beta testers at a discounted rate. This is a win/win, lower cost for you, in exchange we ask for feedback from not only you but also pass along that of customers using your menu. See the Contact page to get in touch with us.